
Best Dates This Week: 3rd to 8th December.
You are hard at work, determined to get the maximum out of all your own creativity, in new media of self-expression, in poetry, music, dance, sculpture, computer-aided designing. It may also include new modes and media of travel. Even mainstream occupations get flair. A fresh new swing (perhaps the influence of the sign of the moon quarter in Virgo) which may be summed up in just four words - hard work, matching rewards. Nothing more to add!

Taurus (April 21 - May 21)
Best Dates This Week: 6th, 7th and 8th December.
Financial matters, money issues will be important once more this week. Mutual and marital funds, profits, shares, gifts, legacies, tax or estate hassles - all these combine to keep you hard at work, nose to the grindstone. BUT they yield the rewards that match your efforts and which you so richly deserve. It is a time to maintain a sense of decorum in all you do, and for much care and caution in expending both your money and your energies. There can be a tremendous loss of vitality which will weigh heavily on you in the future. So, a sense of balance will be a fine thing for you right now.

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)
Best Dates This Week: 3rd, 4th, 5th and 8th December.
Your financial and professional affairs dominate. There will also be some changes, re-assigning of priorities in the sphere of finance and you will have to consider several ways and means in order to achieve all that you aspire to. I'm talking of the intangibles as well as the more material aspects. You will be truly busy. A sudden spurt on almost all fronts - business and work, home and office, even behind-the-scene activities, secret deals and negotiations, entertaining and being entertained - all this will conspire to keep you hectically busy. Therefore, adequate relaxation, rest and health precautions become vital and will help you move confidently into next year.

Cancer (June 22 – July 23)
Best Dates This Week: 5th and 6th December.
The demands on you continue but you're better able to cope. And you do it with grace, dignity and determination. Travel will continue to be both important and necessary. You will also want to expand your horizons, enrich your life further, improve your own mind - and you will accomplish it. You may even take up a course of higher study. New Age living, or research and it will pay you dividends in a different way. Another great growth factor will be love - either anew or a renewal of existing bonds and relationships - wherein you gain in terms of both added affection, and greater happiness. You have a mood swing, an upsurge of energy, creativity, talent and determination as you gather yourself to meet the challenges thrown to you by life.

Leo (July 24 - Aug 21)
Best Dates This Week: 3rd, 4th, 5th and 8th December.
Confidence, charisma, and all other such words don't even begin to sum up your qualities. Nothing seems to faze you this week. The emphasis will be fundamentally on finances wherein you may find yourself buying and selling, negotiating (this implies both giving and taking) loans and funds. Moving house is also a strong likelihood. With your finances so good, it just may be a luxury apartment or a posh penthouse that you want to live in, to match your style and status.

Virgo (Aug 22 - Sept 22)
Best Dates This Week: 3rd to 7th December.
Fresh achievements and successes come to you now, and you're eager for new fields to conquer. These will centre on people rather than your own self. In your own birth sign, the moon makes you blossom out afresh, building bridges, mending fences. People around you will be warm and friendly, romance is in the air. Meets, conferences, functions (in the family, social and official scene) will find you absolutely out to win. Virgo is one sign that loves publicity and is always conscious of the public persona and image. Don't get carried away, is all that I can say! 'People who matter' should also, in fact, should also include those who love and care for you, and vice versa.

Libra (Sept 22 - Oct 23)
Best Dates This Week: 3rd to 8th December.
A productive, fruitful and, therefore, satisfying week. The health/emotional situation of someone in the family causes concern but there are overall, both hard work and happy times. The benefits of power and position now come your way. The momentum of last week's brilliant moves is maintained. The domestic scene, with all its joys and sorrows, squabbles and bonds completely engulfs you in a strangely pleasant manner, even as you find ways to deal with it, will all work their magic for you. What you need to guard against, however, is a tendency to dream up troubles, or to make the world's problems your own. You should, instead, seek to turn enemies into friends and boost your own poise and self-confidence.

Scorpio (Oct 24 – Nov 21)
Best Dates This Week: 6th, 7th and 8th December.
It's the material plane that keeps you busy this week. Once again, money matters will have to be attended to. Mutual funds, marital income, shares and stocks, profit-sharing, capital-raising and such. You will have to work rather hard, but you will soon find that the rewards come your way, in all shapes and sizes. Not least of these will be the gain in esteem and respect in the social circle and community, and also, perhaps "lore importantly, in your own eyes. However, it is also a tune for caution and treading carefully, so study any projects you undertake with much care before you commit yourself. Turn to prayer and meditation, to induce the calm of mind that will help you vis-à-vis wise decisions, right choices, even clever moves.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Best Dates This Week: 3rd, 4th, 5th and 8th December.
Almost every sphere of your life will seem to have been galvanized into demands, and action. There is hectic activity on several fronts as the year draws to a close. Romance, business deals, behind-the-scene activities, some hush-hush wheeling and dealing and also a vibrantly active social life keep you on your toes. Health may be slightly suspect, so care, rest and relaxation seem to be the need of the hour as well. You want to join the rat race and yet be able to rise above it; yet you want to earn as much, if not more, than the next man – and by your own efforts.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 20)
Best Dates This Week: 5th and 6th December.
You fix your mind on much higher levels now. Education and research will draw you like a magnet, and you may find travel helpful to progress and happiness. Pleasant times can, however, be shared with friends, and love, will be a solace and joy. And that's saying a lot in the times we live in. You will strive to gain peace of mind, too. The best way to do this, you realize, is to turn the searchlight inwards, and that's just what you do. You will examine your inner psyche, questioning yourself and striving to improve your mind. You realize that you truly desire more than mere earthly gains.
v Aquarius (Jan 21 - Feb 19)
Best Dates This Week: 3rd, 4th, 5th and 8th December.
Much is to be done this week but all on a single front of financial interaction and interplay. Within its ambit will be lending/ borrowing, funds and capital-raising and buying and selling. That is the main activity this week, though moving house is another possibility. Avoid spending excessively on business concerns. You'll make more progress by being flexible rather than by being stubborn and dogmatic, and there will certainly be greater harmony all around. It helps you to think more clearly about immediate and future objectives and put in the necessary work to make it happen

Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 21)
Best Dates This Week: 3rd to 7th December.
You're truly flying, or maybe just floating around on Cloud Nine, for the past couple of weeks. In this euphoric state of mind and existences, does it come as a surprise that romance blooms in your life, people around you are more than friendly? Social and business gatherings, dinners a deux, cozy tête-à-têtes, even conferences and symposia find you in your element, all your tremendous battery of Piscean charm zeroing in on those around you. Yet love is both appreciated and reciprocated with seriousness, sincerity underlying the good times together.